The wellness retreat in Nelson NZ will be facilitated by caring professionals enabling inner exploration and growth within a safe environment.
At the beginning of each retreat, we initiate a community agreement, which is a shared agreement between all involved in the retreat. It will cover such things as how we wish to work together, including guidelines of how one would feel respected, address sensitivity to diversity (in accordance with the Treaty of Waitangi), anonymity, and endeavour to speak from a non-judgemental space. In building such agreements we believe we can collectively make the space safe so each participant can express freely, whilst being held in positive regard. This process is influenced by Carl Roger’s client-centred therapy and Marshall Rosenberg’s adaptation, non-violent communication.
Additionally, we take inspiration from Abraham Maslow’s “Theory of human motivation”, the hierarchy of needs, where we work to uncover, discover and discard that which does not serve us anymore.