Te māuiuitanga

Addiction & trauma

It is our hope to offer tools and ways for clients to deal with trauma and to recognise when our individual trauma may be activated/alive in us, and find ways to self care instead of using our drug of choice to numb or distract ourselves.

Ruby Retreat Addiction & Trauma (RRAT)


Together we will discover healthy ways to deal with our feelings and life, rather than numbing ourselves to shift our emotional state and perception.


“Nothing overly dramatic needs to happen to induce trauma: it is sufficient that she or he is wounded without an immediate capacity to heal."

Philosophy – RRAT

Our philosophy is broad and inclusive of many proven healing modalities.

Who is RRAT for?

Ruby Retreat Addiction & Trauma is for people wanting recovery from addiction and trauma.


Our admissions team are here to answer any questions you may have.


Questions and answers about Ruby Retreat Addiction & Trauma.

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