A weekly Qigong class led by Ali and/or Rob, @Ruby Retreat
Qigong (You may also see it written as chi kung, qigong, chi gung they are all the same things. It is pronounced “Chee gung”)
Qigong is an ancient Chinese system of health care over 5000 years old. Its roots are in traditional Chinese medicine, martial arts and philosophy. ‘Qigong’ is made up of 2 words, “Qi’ (life force energy) and ‘Gong’, which means ‘cultivation’. Hence the practice of qigong is the cultivation of Qi using the mind, body and breathing to improve overall health and well-being.
Yuan Qigong
There are many different qigong systems. The one I teach, and practice is Yuan qigong. It was developed by qigong master Yuan Tze. He saw the need for a new system which would acknowledge the needs of modern times while keeping the wisdom and effectiveness of the ancient systems. The vision was to have a comprehensive and sound qigong system that was safe and effective.
There are nine methods in the Yuan gong system. They each have a specific function such as gathering qi, nourishing qi, opening channel qi, working on qi of the organs and uplifting heart and consciousness.
The special aspects of Qigong
Qigong works quite differently than the typical Western exercises. In Western exercises, strength comes from building muscular power and relies on muscular contraction. Qigong however does not rely on tension but rather on the power that comes from qi flowing freely, which happens when the mind and body are relaxed.
The cultivation of a relaxed, calm, and natural state is an essential part of the practice.
Mindfulness and meditation skills are an integral part of the practice.
Practising qigong is a way of moving your body that does not deplete your energy, in fact the practice gathers and stores more energy.
Qigong flows: repeating a simple flowing exercise several times creates a wonderfully enjoyable flow.
Qigong works well for those who have a sense of wanting to take ownership and responsibility for their own health, creating a regular practice contributes to your healing.
What is Qi?
Qi is far more than just energy. Since there is no English word that has a meaning equivalent to ‘Qi’, we use the original Chinese term. Qi is an integrated form of material, energy, and information. To find out more go to: https://www.renxueinternational.org/what-is-qi/
Qi and health
For life to be healthy, the body and mind need to be well nourished by abundant,
harmoniously flowing qi. Anything that depletes or disturbs this qi will affect our health.
Conversely, improving qi levels, removing qi blockages, and creating balance of qi will
improve health and well-being.
REN XUE literally means “study of human life”, REN XUE is a wisdom system developed to help practitioners achieve greater health, happiness, sense of wellbeing, realisation and wisdom. It helps us find inner harmony through practices that elevate body, heart, and consciousness, which in turn helps us find outer harmony – in our personal relationships, within society, and with nature.
www.renxueinternational.org – For information about Yuan Qigong and REN XUE and to find
a teacher in your area. https://learnrenxue.org for more resources.
Benefits Of Qigong
There are many benefits of Qigong and its practice. All these health benefits have a hugely positive impact on both your mental and physical health, leading to a happier and more fulfilled life. Qigong practice can help reduce stress, anxiety and depression, lower blood pressure, increase bone density, aid digestion, increase energy, reduce pain, increase focus, balance emotions, and improve your sleep and immune functioning.
Details about this class
Price: $15 per class
Location: Ruby Retreat, 155 Stafford Dr, Ruby Bay
When: every Tuesday at 9.30am
Duration: 1h 15m
Facilitators: Ali and Rob
For further information:
021 0238 7725